Vegetarian for Life

Hydration appreciation: The importance of H2O

Posted by Guest on 15/10/15 in Nutritional Advice

Eden recently supplied us with free water for our Mature Zone at London Vegfest. Here they outline the importance of H2O.
Water is good for us, that’s a given – but with so many suggestions flying around about our recommended water intake, it can be easy to get confused as to just how much H2O we should be working into our daily lives. Whether you already drink 8 glasses of water a day or simply make an active effort to stay hydrated, as a more mature adult, upping your water intake is a guaranteed way to keep you healthy, happy and alert. And in today’s post, we’re sharing some very good reasons why you should regularly wet your whistle.
Healthy equals happy As well as reducing your concentration levels in day-to-day life, not drinking enough water can be detrimental to your overall well being. Not only keeping you hydrated, a couple of glasses of water a day can also help you to stay alert and focused. For vegetarians, nutrients that come from high-fibre and high-protein foods are essential – and drinking plenty of water will aid with digestion. With a number of important functions to perform every day, it’s unsurprising that your body sometimes buckles under the strain. But you can take steps towards eliminating health issues and keeping your body primed for productivity. A regular influx of water will keep you feeling active and healthy, reducing the risk of illness – and it goes without saying that health and happiness go hand-in-hand. So whether it’s carrying a bottle of water with you or stopping for regular breaks to top up your H2O levels, take time out of your day for some hydration appreciation. Water, water everywhere
Whether it’s at home or on the move, the temptation to indulge in drinks that are drowning in additives can be all too much. But these calorie-laden thirst-quenchers can have a negative effect on your brain, not to mention your teeth! While sugary drinks offer a momentary pick-me-up, they can often leave you feeling tired and sluggish soon after. So stop reaching for the sweet stuff and treat yourself to a trip to the water cooler. When it comes to keeping your body healthy, water is the world’s most untapped resource – proven to propel productivity levels and keep your brain sharp. From reducing stress levels to maintaining a healthy blood pressure, staying hydrated brings with it any number of lifestyle benefits. So take a proactive approach to keeping yourself fighting fit and soak up the benefits that go hand-in-hand with hydration. As we get older, it’s more important than ever to hone in on health. If you find yourself feeling sluggish throughout the day, try upping your water intake – book-ending your day with a large glass of water in the morning and evening. With your body healthy and hydrated, you’re guaranteed to have a happier and more productive day. All hail H2O!


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