Accredited Care Home Membership offers you a unique opportunity to promote the high quality of your vegetarian and vegan catering. This membership will reflect your commitment to catering and customer service and will be seen as reflecting the high standards that run throughout your business. This membership is not just a stamp of approval for your catering services. It also brings with it a substantial list of benefits, which we have designed to help you grow and develop your business.
For up to 15 sites, the annual fee is £165
For 16 to 50 sites, the annual fee is £315
For 51 to 100 sites, the annual fee is £480
For 101 to 150 sites, the annual fee is £580
For 151 to 200 sites, the annual fee is £680
For 201 to 250 sites, the annual fee is £780
For 251 to 300 sites, the annual fee is £880
Contact us for a quote if you wish to register more than 300 sites:
If you would like to become a VfL Accredited Care Home, please fill out this form to start the process.