Vegetarian for Life

Latest News: Shifting identities: How care homes can deal with issues around dementia and diet - Read More

Vegetarian for Life is the UK charity working on behalf of older vegans and vegetarians

Warm up with wonderful soup

Vegetarian for Life's Chef Alex shares some top tips for super soups and winter warmers. One of... Read More

Featured Recipes


Marinated courgette ribbons with tangy salsa verde

Elevate your cuisine with this attractive starter.

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Creamy Truffle Mushroom Polenta

Create a fine dining experience with this tasty dish.

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Citrusy Lemon Curd Sponge

A delicious sponge served with banana, chocolate & peanut butter ice-cream, nut brittle and fruit co...

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We work with some of the UK's biggest care chains and food suppliers

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Vegetarian for Life
83 Ducie Street
Greater Manchester
M1 2JQ

Tel: 0161 2570887

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Caterer Training

Our team of roving chefs can deliver fully funded, bespoke training for you, in-house, no matter where you are in the UK. If you'd like to help your chefs navigate the unfamiliar territory of catering for a vegan resident, we can assist.

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If I get dementia, will they serve me meat?

Vegetarian for Life is proud to announce the launch of a Memory Care Pledge that will ensure that vegans or vegetarians will be offered a choice of meals, drinks and snacks that uphold their ethical beliefs.

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