Vegetarian for Life

Good Care for Vegetarians and Vegans

Publications > Good Care for Vegetarians and Vegans

Vegetarian for Life and the Care Inspectorate have collaborated to produce guidance on good care for vegans and vegetarians.

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. The standards have been developed to make these services better for everyone so that every person is treated with respect and dignity, and their human rights are upheld.

For a physical copy of the guidance, please visit our online shop.

Download Good Care for Vegetarians and Vegans (PDF)

Would you rather have a physical copy? Contact us with your name and address and we’ll be happy to send you one in the mail (UK addresses only)

Good Care for Vegetarians and Vegans

“The Care Inspectorate’s Health and Social Care Improvement Team have been delighted to work with Vegetarian for Life on this resource. The quality illustration gives a clear guide to service providers and their staff on what good care looks like for people who are vegan and vegetarian experiencing care to meet their dietary and lifestyle needs. This tool is a great way to help a service self-evaluate their care and support for vegans and vegetarians and make any identified improvements.”

Primary Audience

The guidance in Good care for vegetarians and vegans will be useful for inspectors to inform an inspection and for care services looking for best practice points.

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