Vegetarian for Life

VfL Blog

Archives from November 2021

Chef Claire’s Christmas tips

After the unusual Christmas that Covid restrictions brought us last year, I'm sure everyone will be excited for a more ‘normal’ Christmas this year, packed full of Yuletide cheer. With retailers predicting a shortage of traditional festive favourites this year, it could be the p...


Posted by Claire on 29/11/21 in Recipes

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Ordering in a vegan Christmas

Catering for vegetarians and vegans (veg*ns) doesn’t need to be hard work this Christmas. Make this one easy and satisfying for all your veg*n residents. Check your wholesalers to see what festive delights they have available. Here’s a snapshot from several popular wholesalers, as well a...


Posted by Ollie on 25/11/21 in Recipes

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Parliamentary Vegan & Vegetarian Group Releases Inquiry Report on Respect for Beliefs in Care

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Vegetarianism and Veganism has released a report on the protection of philosophical or religious beliefs in care, specifically when providing food. The report highlights cases where individual diets have been misunderstood or even disregarded. While the report r...


Posted by Amanda on 23/11/21 in VfL News and Events

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