Vegetarian for Life

VfL Blog

Archives from February 2023

Air fryers: are they worth the hype?

Air fryers are very popular at the moment. I get lots of questions about them when delivering demos – how they can save money and achieve great results in the kitchen. I haven’t had much experience with them personally. However with the cost-of-living soaring and my parent...


Posted by Ollie on 27/02/23 in Recipes

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Swallowing Awareness Day 2023

When designing a menu, we balance a number of factors. In no particular order these are nutrition, cost, presentation, cultural appropriacy, taste and texture. I’m sure there are others but what I would like to focus on is texture and its relationship with swallowing. Food means so much more ...


Posted by Alex on 23/02/23 in Nutritional Advice

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Pancakes for all

Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday to give it its proper name) is on the 21 February this year. It’s a great opportunity to help your residents reminisce about their younger days and have a bit of fun. Why not have stacks of fun and a flipping good time by having a pancake tossing competition...


Posted by Claire on 16/02/23 in Recipes

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