Vegetarian for Life

VfL Blog

Archives from January 2020

Food wholesalers ahead of the curve in Veganuary celebrations

Vegetarian for Life is well known for its work with care homes across the UK. But did you know that a lot of what we do relates to the companies supplying those care homes? We work with some of the biggest wholesalers in the UK who equip not only some of the biggest care home chains, but also hotel...


Posted by Kieran on 24/01/20 in VfL News and Events

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Events for 2020

VfL regularly attends conferences, exhibitions and seminars, and gives presentations throughout the UK to represent the interests of older vegetarians and vegans. Here’s where you’ll find us in 2020: V for Life Vegan Luncheon Club, 14 January; 1pm–3pm Crossacres Resource Centre...


Posted by Oliver on 06/01/20 in VfL News and Events

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Chef’s top tips for Veganuary 2020

If you are thinking of trying veganism in 2020, Veganuary is a great place to start – 31 days of going plant-based is easier than you might think. We asked our roving chef, Alex Connell, for advice to help you prepare for a successful and tasty month. Alex creates a variety of delicious vega...


Posted by Katie on 01/01/20 in Recipes

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