Archives from May 2018
If you needed residential or nursing care as a vegetarian or vegan, you'd probably be curious about your options.
Currently, we are only aware of three fully vegetarian care homes in the UK. One of these is Karuna Manor in Harrow, established in April 2015.
Says Priya Mehta, Hotel Service...
V for Life awards grants, and we are keen to give them to those in need. We’ve produced a short film about our charity’s work, which includes specific examples of grants that we’ve awarded in the past. Is there some way that we could help you out?
Grants for Community Organ...
Over the past few months, much work has gone on behind the scenes to produce Vegetarian for Life's two new short films.
We were thrilled that one of the contributors was UK List member, Meallmore – a family run company and one of Scotland's leading providers of nursing and ...
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