Vegetarian for Life

VfL Blog

Category: Nutritional Advice

Tips and advice about eating a nutritious vegetarian or vegan diet.

Nutrition & Hydration Week: Catering well for older vegans and vegetarians

Eating well and making sure that you are hydrated is a matter of course for a healthy body. Having a focus week is a great opportunity to re-evaluate menus and food systems to make sure you meet all the needs of the people you cater and care for. As humans we all have the same basic dietary require...


Posted by Alex on 28/02/24 in Nutritional Advice

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Osteoporosis – some of VfL’s best recipes to promote bone health

June is Osteoporosis Awareness Month; being vegan or vegetarian you may wonder if osteoporosis can affect you. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, also when the structure and strength of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone st...


Posted by Claire on 07/06/23 in Nutritional Advice

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Looking to reduce the number of allergens in the food you serve? Swap for vegan options

Enjoying food is such an important part of the human experience. From big social functions to day-to-day living, good food is paramount. But what should you do when catering for people with food allergies, and what can you do if you don’t know ahead of time whether or not someone has a f...


Posted by Alex on 15/04/23 in Nutritional Advice and Recipes

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