Vegetarian for Life

VfL Blog

Archives from July 2019

Top 10 animal sanctuaries – as voted by older vegans and veggies

Retiring to the countryside, green hills and pastures to stroll in on a Sunday afternoon, lungs filled with fresh air... many of us humans would love this dream to be a reality! But animals rarely get a chance to enjoy the latter stages of their lives in this way - particularly traditional...


Posted by Jasmine on 23/07/19 in Articles and Life After Retirement

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FaceApp shows what we’ll LOOK like in future – but how will we FEEL?

If you’ve been scrolling through social media recently then you’ve no doubt come across the latest trend – FaceApp. FaceApp is a smartphone application that allows you to upload a picture of yourself, and from there it will generate a picture of what it thinks you will look l...


Posted by Kieran on 19/07/19 in Articles and Life After Retirement

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Free professional chef for your lunch club

Would you like a VfL chef to come and cook lunch for you and your diners, free of charge? Our experienced team of Roving Chefs can prepare nutritious, delicious, plant-based meals to be enjoyed at your venue. A chef can take charge in the kitchen, alongside your volunteers, and prepare an lovely lu...


Posted by Guest on 11/07/19 in Articles and Life After Retirement and VfL News and Events

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